2024 Postcrossing Goals/Resolutions?

That’s a big goal! I hope you’ll update us as to how it goes :slight_smile:


Strangely, my Postcrossing resolution is to send fewer cards!
Realistically with increasing postage costs, 10 cards a month would be a good maximum for me (better would be 2 per week). My challenge to myself is to be intentional about each card I send, and to enjoy each sending process to the maximum, and then to keep the line in my stats tab nicely at an average of 10.


To add on to this, I would like to be less lazy and more diligent in updating my swap album.

Taking pictures of the stamps I have on hand so recipients can choose


Use up the stamps I have, rather than buying new ones :sunglasses::money_with_wings:


Curious. Have you travelled to meetups in the past? I’m new and was hoping one will come up in my home state, but maybe many people travel to them?

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A few of my friends and I have made vision boards for yearly intentions, but I have not ever made an intention for postcrossing specifically. This comes at the perfect time as I am just about to start my new planner and smashbook for 2024.
My intention for postcrossing, like many of us is to send more postcards than I purchase. Happy New Year!


I’ll PM you a longer answer, but the short answer is Yes! I like to travel and I like Postcrossing so sometimes the two hobbies align with each other. Some people only attend meetups in their city, others travel around their state, and others travel cross-country for meetups. Some people even travel internationally for meetups! I’ve been to meetups in 2 foreign countries so far, which is awesome and I’m very thankful for the experience, but I also think it’s important to have some meetups close to home, which is why I listed “establishing a local Postcrossing community” in my resolution- I want to get to know the other Postcrossers in my small college town of College Station, Texas! You can be as nomadic as you please in your meetup attendance, it all depends on what interests you!


I didn’t really think I’d have any postcrossing goals, but looking through the answers I realized I do in fact have a couple. :wink:

  • Scan all of my to-be-sent cards, which is a huge task. I actually already got started on it and thought I had made good progress, but all the time when I’m sending a card I notice I haven’t scanned that subject or that box and now I have lots of new cards from Christmas as well. The problem is that my old scanner only works with my old laptop, but that has a lot of issues and I can’t go online with it anymore. So I can’t use the scanner on the same laptop as I need to use to request addresses … overall a very unsatisfying situation. I might also look into buying a new scanner, but I still want to scan all the cards I have, eventually.
  • Reorganize my online albums. Some of them are just a huge mess, so much so that it’s becoming a really daunting task that I keep putting off. Maybe writing it out in public will make me actually get it done this year! :wink:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:…I’m seeing you now in my head, going around and thumping 500 officials. It seems uncalled for…:crazy_face:!

Happy new year!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It might be a bit unusual but my No. 1 Postcrossing goal for this year is to send less cards! I sent 1,100+ cards in 2022 and 959 cards last year. While I still enjoy this hobby, I’m a bit bothered that I spend all my fun money on cards and stamps and have little to no budget for my other hobbies (and I really want a new film camera in the next few months!) :sweat_smile:
So instead of working so hard to complete my collections, I’ll focus on having more meaningful exchanges and actually track if the cards I send out are received and if the cards I’m expecting to receive make it to my mailbox. I might just send 600-750 cards in 2024!


Mine would be sending less as well. I’m still “mad” at how many cards and letters were lost and how unprofessional our postal service could be. I only sent 18 official cards in 2023 :see_no_evil: , most of my cards are from forum activities

Mail delivery only comes at least once per month, in a batch now. And there’s always uncertain feeling that many of my cards probably will be sporadically lost

I don’t think there’s much improvement and commitment in our postal service, other than updating their new logo lol. It looks like they’re now seriously won’t be taking regular mail (sent and received by stamps) as priority

Postcrossers are helping postal service to be still relevant here, but the post doesn’t seem to help us back :unamused:


Goals for 2024…
I think keeping slots in use, right now I can send 11, if I keep it up I should be able to reach 150 soon enough and it will be faster and faster growth… post delivery times allowing.
To have more slots I joined a few other postcards sites, like Postfun, and themed ones like geopostcards.club and unescopostcards.club.
Partecipate in InCoWriMo/LetterMo.
Find postcards that represent the UNESCO Intangibles for Italy, mostly tenores, which is typical of the part of italy where I am from.
Promptiness in writing letters, which is not a postcrossing goal, but for snail mail in general.


I feel the same way about our postal services. I am missing so many cards that were sent to me between April to June last year and I’m pretty sure that was when I was most active with swaps and forum games. I asked my local post office’s postmaster about it last month and they said that before they took over the position in July, the postmen were marking a lot of the unregistered mail as “return to sender”. They said that they’re still sorting through mail so I might receive my cards eventually, but I can’t help but feel that my cards have already been disposed of :pensive:


@EmmaG that sounds very attainable, I’ll do that as well :fireworks::two_hearts:
I was just thinking about this this morning, as I purchased stamps (before the next price increase later this month in the USA).
I’m honestly not sure I can make it a whole year without buying any new or thrifted postcards though.


Welp, I am super new here (joined this Christmas, hehe!) so I don’t even know my way around here just yet, but I have thought about sending two postcards every month (on average, that means that if no postcard is sent in July there will be four travelling in August!). However, I think my main goal is just getting used to the postcrossing thingy. I love it, but I am super new to this particular way of postcrossing and, being the way I am, I just don’t want to get too anxious or overly self-demanding with it. Right now, my mind is rushing all over the place trying to find the most beautiful postcards to buy, thinking about ways in which I can decorate them and add more value to them (all out of sudden, wax seals seem too little when others are sending fully hand-painted works of art, hehe), about things I could tell people in my postcards, about ways in which I could organize the stationary stuff for the postcards AND the postcards that I eventually receive… And I really don’t want this to be a two-weeks hobby, so I am just… Trying to slow down and get used to the whole ordeal, I guess!


Postcrossing is no ordeal! :wink: :grin:

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Hahahaha exactly!! That’s what I’m telling to my brain :joy:


Write smaller, to fit more text! Bought a new fine point pen!


I hope to try to reach 1,000 postcards sent, I think I am at like 600-ish. I also hope to send postcards to more countries other than Germany, I always seem to get Germany a lot! And make some friends through Postcrossing, I have done this for about 3.5 years and still haven’t met any friends.


The goal is to request and send a card every day. :smiley:

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