2024 Permanent and Temporary Postmarks are now online!

The following pictorials have all been in use for nine or ten years, so will not be available for much longer (unless replaced). Issue year shown, and date last sighted.

Adelaide Airport SA 5950 - aircraft. 2015 - 2020
Coolangatta QLD 4225 - beach theme/GC logo. 2015 - 2023
Darwin GPO NT 0800 - HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin. 2015 - 2023
Epsom VIC 3551 - Bendigo Pottery. 2014 - 2022
Muttaburra QLD 4732 - Dinosaur skeleton. 2015 - 2021
Port Campbell VIC 3269 - Twelve Apostles. 2014 - 2023 .
Tynong VIC 3813 - Racecourse. 2015 - 2023

Last week I actually wrote to Epsom PO so we’ll hopefully find out if theirs is still available soon.

Good luck!

Just wondering I am going to Canberra tomorrow (Friday), beyond the GPO and Parliament does anyone know any pictorials in the ACT? Preferably fairly close to the centre as I cannot drive.

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Belconnen 2617 is the only PO I know of, depicting an owl.

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For anyone interested: Parliament House P.O. (which was already closed by the time I got there, having restricted hours when Parliament is not sitting) has a special posting box specifically for their pictorial postmark. (I’ve seen photos of these from overseas, but didn’t expect to see one here). Remains to be seen if it will work. Both designs at the GPO are still available.

The posting box did indeed work, big inverted triangle postmark still in use, the impression is very clear so it may have been a newly reissued one?

Don’t want to clog the forum too much, but does anyone know when (or if) Morpeth NSW dropped their pictorial (Great North Road)? Went today but the staff were… very unreceptive.

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@Bowyum do you know anything about Morpeth? You seem to be a treasure trove of all information pictorial postmark-related! :+1:t2:

From @Bowyum

…‘My most recent date for Morpeth is 2018, wrote to post office last year for an update but got no reply. I’m pretty sure the dateline expired and the PO didn’t bother to renew it.’

If memory serves me correctly the 2018 Morpeth strike was sent to me when I wrote in 2019. So either the PO forgot to alter the date, or 2018 was the last year that would show on the date wheel.

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Thank you all for the Morpeth info. Pity about that, I have some family connections there.

Got a copy of the now-abandoned Katoomba pictorial today. It’s really beautiful - I’m going to write to ask them to reinstate it or one similar; there is after all an official address for that sort of thing.
(Buckley’s of that but if I don’t ask…)

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