2024 恐龍 Dinosaur Meetup in Changhua City, Apr. 7,2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Changhua City, Taiwan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 天空藍咖啡館CafeAozora (No. 222, Chenggong Rd., Changhua City, 500 , Taiwan)
:calendar: DATE: Apr. 7,2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00-15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Dinosaur Meetup, Taiwan x Hong Kong
Meeting friends, Chatting with each other, writing postcards.Bring postcards to write, sign or show off😉

Attending fee:
one drinks / person

Since the place needs to be reserved,if you would like to participate in this meetup,please DM me before Mar.19,2024


I will be there!!

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Swap is found, thank you!

Hello! Would anybody like to swap this card with me after the event? I can offer the meet-up card from the last meet in Ufa or a card with Alice from Russian online-meeting. All my offer is here

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Wouldn’t miss it! :blush:

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Swap found

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See you!

Hi! I like this postcard very much!
I’ll be glad to swap it☺️

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Hi! I’ll be glad to swap
My Album for swap:



hi, I will be happy to exchange, look at my exchanger

Would anyone like to swap? :wink:
here’s my offers: Offers – Google Drive