(2023/3/21)Spring Equinox(春分) Meetup and International Day of Forests Meetup in Taipei, Taiwan

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taipei, Taiwan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hi-Life Coffee(台北市萬華區西園路二段134號 No. 134, Section 2, Xiyuan Road, Wanhua District, Taipei City)
:calendar: DATE: 2023 March 19
:alarm_clock: TIME: 17:00~19:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:


“Spring Equinox”: On this date, day and night are of equal length. It is said that if it rains on this day, one can expect a bumper harvest in the fall. Therefore, farmers are all busy sowing seeds and transplanting rice seedlings.

Healthy forest for healthy people

This 2023 calls for giving, not just taking, because healthy forests will bring healthy people.

如要參加請務必於3月17日前私訊報名以免撲空 請勿未報名臨時出現

兩款聚會片3/19會後即可寄出 無須等到3/21

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i’d love to swap!

Hi! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

Hello! Could I swap first card please?
Warm wishes from Poland, Joanna

Looking for swap on this amazing postcard, here is my offers -

Hi! I’d like to swap for your cards! Here’s my swap album, please dm me if interested :two_hearts:
SWAP album

Is anyone interested for a swap from UAE with a recent meetup that happened in Sharjah, UAE.

Please DM me with the address

Hello! I 'd like to swap for the card with girl

Hi! I want to swap for your postcards