2022 Feb 12, Gray-faced Buzzard new stamp issued meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taipei, Taiwan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 6F, No. 1, Ningbo East Street, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City (臺北市中正區寧波東街1號6樓 山櫻花小樹屋)
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, Feb 12th 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00~17:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

  1. Signing postcards and chat
  2. Postcard flea market: bring your unwanted postcards/ stationery to trade with others. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!
  3. Uglies postcard contest: bring the uglies/ worthless postcard you’ve received. (Not to judge the cards we received, but sometimes we did receive some pieces of thin paper or package, that claimed to be postcards…) Bring the cards and to share your bad swapping experience with others! The owner of the uglies card will be rewarded.

For the upcoming new stamps featuring raptors, we prepare a gray-faced buzzard postcard to match the $8 stamp.


The grey-faced buzzard is an Asian bird of prey that breeds in the Korean Peninsula and migrates to Southeast Asia to escape the harsh winter. Taiwan lies on a major migration route, and large numbers of the birds can be seen moving southward from October, stopping on the Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan.

In October 2021, a record high of over 110,000 gray-faced buzzards have been seen in Taiwan during their annual migration to the south, the Kenting National Park Administration reported


  1. Seated are limited, please do not show up without informing first.
  2. The meetup could be cancelled if the COVID outbreak gets worse.
    Thank you for your understanding!

Aaw - these stamps are real beauties! Good luck with your meetup!

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ok I will see you there

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Hello, you have a very cool postcard. I would like to exchange for it, thank you for your attention. with pleasure with your exchanger in PM

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I would love to join the Meeting,
informing host first,

@purplestarfish @Superchick3

Hello, attending fee NTD 100 each person,
for renting the conference room

Postcards NTD 60/ set ( 5cards)

But so far there’s no vacancy,
Will inform you two once someone quit


Have one seat now.
I’ll save for you?

Feb 12 Saturday
Time 13:30-16:30

ok thanks

Very nice card!Is someone interested in swap? I collect meet-up cards and I will be happy to send you any meet-up cards from St.Petersburg or any cards from my swap- album на обмен – 515 Bilder | VK
Thank you!

Hi can i swap?
I can offer cards from our meet up or my swap album
