20 March 2021 - Teenagers Online Meetup

I love it

Its beautiful!!

Great, simple but nice :+1::+1::+1::+1:

it looks great! :heart:

I‘m interested.

I want to join too. :grinning:
I am super intrested!

Thats awesome!

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sounds great

Hi, I’d like to take join your meeting, I think that it’s a great idea!

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Hey! I’ve updated the participant list and my email list! Please make sure to send me yours if you haven’t yet. I am so happy and excited to have you all join and meet you all! We’re already at 21 participants! Have a great day!

Btw. If you have any suggestions, for example what could be added to the meetup plan (aka what we are doing in the meetup) please post here or write me!


Hey !
I am Melissande from France, a young french girl of 18 years old ! What an amazing idea ! I would love to participate to this Zoom meeting !

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Hey! Maybe this virtual meetup can be done again in the future or like every 2 months, Another suggestion is about the meetup card. What if there was another design but will be made after the meetup so the card shows our faces holding up postcards. You could also put on the side what countries participated in this meetup.


Hey there! I also thought about doing this more often if the first meeting goes well! :slight_smile:
Thank you also for your suggestion! I like the all listing countries participating idea!! I don’t know about the photo though, because I don’t know if everyone would be comfortable with that!
If anyone is up for it they can also design a card suggestion, I think I’ll try my hand at making one with participants countries :slight_smile:


I would love to join! I don’t know how to send a private massage. Can someone please help me out?

Sure, you just have to click on the name of the person you want to send the message and click message :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I thought that about the photos as well, so we better not to do it, I love the card you made anyways :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you so much!


Anytime :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Also, if you have any other question you can search for a topic explaining it since there are many new members like you that create such topics on #postcrossing:help
Be sure to check there if you have any other problems :slight_smile:
Welcome to the forum, I hope you’ll love it as much as I do

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This link will help me a lot! Thank you so much😌 I’m looking forward seeing you in March🌷

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Hi, Any updates about this?