20 Jul - 26 Jul 2024 Meet-Up on the ms Volendam of Holland America Cruise Line

:world_map: CITY/REGION: The meet-up will be held during the cruise.
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: A location on one of the decks
:calendar: DATE: Sometime between 20 July 2024 and 26 July 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: most likely in the afternoon or evening
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: socialize and sign postcards.

**This meet-up is for Postcrossing members who are on this particular cruise only. ** :passenger_ship:

If you are interested in having a meet-up while on the cruise, reach out to me.
We can sign the meet-up card while having coffee (tea for me) or while enjoying a cocktail (or any other beverage). Even on the way to an excursion…we can sign the meet-up card on the bus!

Also, I am very open to any suggestions or best practices from others have who have hosted a meet-up while on a cruise. Send that information directly to me. Thanks!

:exclamation:Very limited quantity of this meet-up card. :exclamation:
If you’re on this cruise and do Postcrossing, I will give you a meet-up card. :grinning:


Awesome for you! I sadly will not be able to attend. My husband and I did something similar for a completely different type of group and we were able to meetup with one other couple in Aruba. I wish you safe travels and a good turnout.


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Are there any other Postcrossers who had indicated they are going on this cruise?

Postcrossing Team

Hi Vicky
As of right now, I do not have a firm number of attendees.

I also posted information about the meet-up on a Facebook group dedicated to the cruise dates.
On the group, 2 individuals stated they signed up for Postcrossing after seeing my information about what Postcrossing is.

My hope is with over 1400 passengers on the ship, there must be 1 other Postcrossing member!
I do want to speak with guest services at check-in to ask if they will add the Postcrossing meet-up to the daily agenda.

I’ll be walking around the ship with my Meet-up cards and a pen with me. As I meet people, my “go to” question will be “Are you in Postcrossing?”

Thanks for reaching out to me. Always,
Barbara (BPLUM)


Hi Barbara,

I met you at Carlos’ meetup in NYC last December 9th. It’s too bad that the new Postcrossing t-shirts didn’t come out sooner. That would have made meeting other Postcrossers easier.

I hope you do meet some other members and that you have a wonderful cruise!


It seems like I have found 1 other Postcrossing member on this cruise!
She reached out to me via the Facebook group for this particular ship/cruise dates.

Hope to see you at another NYC meet-up soon. I was just in NYC last weekend – lunch at Ellen’s Stardust and an off Broadway show. Good day!


Happy Summer! I just set up my account two days ago and am just seeing this meet up! Its too late for me to meet up on the cruise. :frowning: But I would be happy to meet before your boat departs if that’s ok?? I am freshly new and am super excited to start this journey. :sparkling_heart: Have fun!!!

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I am going to PM you

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Thanks for reaching out. Welcome to Postcrossing. I hope your mailbox is full of great postcards.

I truly want to meet. Due to the server outage, my flight got delayed. I’m not expected to arrive in Boston much later than anticipated.

My travel companion is arriving after 9pm. She’ll meet me at the hotel. If I get delayed again, I may stay at airport to share taxi to hotel with her. Then tomorrow we board the ship

I’ll reach out again when better specifics are available

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Hi Barb!

I appreciate your time and not forgetting about me. Safe travels! I hope we get to meet someday. Have fun and enjoy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkles:

Thanks. My flight was delayed again. Now I’m arrive much much later than expected. My travel buddy will arrive in the early am hours.

Another time.

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@BPLUM if there are any extra meetup cards, may I purchase one off you? Please and thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkles:

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Send address. I’ll mail you one. US postage was packed in the luggage.

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Hope the cruise was amazing. I live in Boston and would love to catch you on the back end! If you have any signed cards would love one as well!!

Thanks! Unfortunately my last day in Boston is leave ship and head to airport. Pm me your address. I’ll mail to you.