2 September 2023 - Meetup dedicated to the festival "Don ukha" in the stanitsa of Starocherkasskaya

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Starocherkasskaya, Rostov region
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Resurrection Military Cathedral, main entrance, ul. Sobornaya, 1, stanitsa Starocherkasskaya
:calendar: DATE: 2 September 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
The annual regional gastronomic festival Don Ukha 2023 in the stanitsa of Starocherkasskaya will be held in September 2023, on this day the holiday will be held at several venues at once. On this date, you will be able to relax in nature, taste the main dish in the food market area, participate in master classes, watch performances and more.
Fish and Crayfish are the two main gastronomic brands of the Don Region, and Don fish soup is the main dish of local cuisine, which is included in the list of the most famous and popular dishes of Russian national cuisine.
We will also sign two postcards. Postcard layouts will be available a little bit later.


@Mundoo On this meetup we will sign one more postcard. Please add this one for the meetup.


Members looking at the meeting can see the additional postcard.

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I would like to swap both your lovely postcards for 2 of mine:

Who would like to exchange with me?

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Hello! I will send you both. Write me your address in PM. Best wishes!

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