2 October 2021 - WPD meet up in Lviv!

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Lviv
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Market Place, center
:calendar: DATE: 2 october
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: World postcard Day postcrossers meetup with traditional cards signing, coffee and communication. After that - dinner\ beer, etc. for guests of the city
3/10/2021 excursion\ outdoor trip


this will be the meet up postcard


I so wish I were able to attend this meeting! I have dreamt of visiting Lviv for several years…
Unfortunately, I fear it won’t be this time.
I hope you will have fun.
I would like to receive a meeting card with all your signatures. I can send a postcard of one of the past meetings I attended in exchange. Or a tourist card from several places in Italy.
Write me if you are interested.
Greetings to Ukraine! :heart:

I would love to swap a card! Maybe one of the participants wants to message me, to discuss the details? Thank you!

Hello! My offer for swap:

I would love to swap! I can offer one the following meet-up cards from Hong Kong:

hello… i’m interested in swap a meet up card, thanks in advance

Hello ecerybody. Unfortunatelly I have only linited number of cards to send, but maybe other members of meet up would like to swap with you. Thanks

If an exchange is possible, I would like to ask for this postcard.
My exchanger Обменник – 612 Bilder | VK

Hi I would like to swap


When is the meetup in Kyiv?

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The same question!:face_with_monocle::thinking:

Скажите, пожалуйста, остались ли еще у кого-то подписанные открытки на обмен?

I would like to swap too against a meeting-card of my stock with stamps of participants.
I’m looking forward to an exchange. Warm greetings!

Здравствуйте, будет ли в ближайшее время встреча в Киеве?