2 November 2024 - Scary HALLOWEEN meeting at Tolbert

:world_map: CITY/REGION: TOLBERT (Groningen, NL)
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: De Postwagen, Hoofdstraat 53, 9356 AV Tolbert (May change - we’ll keep you noticed)
:calendar: DATE: 2 november 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: Part A 13:30 - 17:00 and part A+B 13:30 - 21:00 (READ!!)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Some people may know this spooky halloween meeting…and those know you got to fear this one!! :skull_and_crossbones: :ghost:

This year - especially for the soft hearted people - we will split the meeting in two parts:

:jack_o_lantern: A. 13:30 - 17:00 - The soft hearted part. :jack_o_lantern:
All cosy, just meet, nice cards and books, laughter, drinks, snacks and maybe pie. Meeting ends at about 17:00

:skull_and_crossbones: A+B 13:30 - 21:00 - The hardcore stuff. :skull_and_crossbones: COSTS FOR THE TOUR €22,- per person (pay in advance via Tikkie, NO payback after 30 august)
First we have a lovely meeting together with the soft hearted people. All cosy, just meet, nice cards and books, laughter, drinks, snacks and maybe pie.

After 17:00 you can have yourself some diner in the neigborhood (snackbar or restaurant - we can go together as a group or everyone can find them a place of there own)
At 19:00 we gather at De Postwagen again and in groups of maximum 5 people a really scary tour through the dark woods of Tolbert will start.
Make sure you wear good shoes and be “goed ter been”( you can walk properly in the dark, sometimes slippery, woods.
Mostly the tour will take about 1,5/ 2 hrs.

:jack_o_lantern: :skull_and_crossbones: When you sign up to this meeting, please let us know if you sign up for
part A or
part A+B
For part A+B we have maximum 10 spots available.

For the meeting Pia and i designed a card. (See below, pay in advance via Tikkie)

Organisation: Pia and Gooitske

Please send your mobile name and number in Whatsapp to 0630478049 (Gooitske) ("This is my phone number and I understand it is being posted on a public forum”.)
Then i’ll add you to the whatsapp communication group.
If you’re new to postcrossing meetups - please let us know.

Maximum number of people:
:jack_o_lantern: Part A - 15
:skull_and_crossbones: Part A+B - 10

:jack_o_lantern: PART A

  1. Mirjam
  2. Mirthe
  3. Willy
  4. Hindriktje
  5. Helen OVB
  6. Annemieke
  7. Anita OVB
  8. Sanny
  9. Christel
  10. Monique J
  11. Annerie
  12. Niki
  13. Marika
  14. Ali
  15. Pia
  16. Ymkje

:skull_and_crossbones: PART A+B

  1. Dina
  2. Fiona
  3. Anne ovb
  4. Gooitske

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Ik geef me op voor alleen part A.

(Die kaart aaahhhh, clown fobie)

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Yes ik ben erbij !

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jaaa!! A en B graag :heart_eyes::ghost::jack_o_lantern:

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Ik geef me op voor alleen part A!

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Helaas kan ik niet aansluiten maar ik zou graag willen swappen :clown_face: .

I will be glad to exchange ))
If my links sometimes open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

I will have three postcards for WPD 2024)

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Hindriktje en ik komen graag Part A


Ik ben er graag bij. Ovb graag
Alleen A gedeeelte


Part A :jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern: only please :pleading_face:


Deel A graag!
Nog wel even OVB :wink:

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Sanny geeft zich op (inlogproblemen) alleen A

Geef me graag op voor part A

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Part A graag als reserve

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Oh, I would love to swap for this card! :jack_o_lantern:

Wat jammer dat deel A al vol is, die leek me wel leuk. Ik wil daarvoor wel op de reservelijst, voor het geval dat… Deel B ga ik sowieso niet meer doen na vorig jaar…


Mag ik ook op de wachtlijst voor A? Na vorig jaar sla ik B inderdaad ook over :sweat_smile:


A plus B onder voorbehoud

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Graag op de reservelijst voor deel A


I can swap with you :grin:

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