2 March 2024 - Cat meet-up in Moscow

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Moscow
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Anticafe CheckPoint, Myasnitskaya str., d.17, p. 2, Moscow
:calendar: DATE: 02.03.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
We are glad to present to your attention a nice meeting of postcrossers dedicated to Cat Day in Russia (March 1) with our cats Miles and Yasha!
At the meeting we will sign postcards, discuss our favorite pets, drink tea/coffee with cookies and of course conduct an interesting test!

Two postcards add up to one picture that artist Bella Gorodetskaya drew for us!

Meeting organizers and cat owners: User JennyDewars, from Russia and User Helli_Levi, from Russia .


my name is Maria Teresa and I write from Italy.
I would love to receive these two postcards with cats; they are very nice!!!
If someone wants to swap with me I would be very happy!!!
Write me a PM with what you want in return; I have many postcards.
Thank you and greetings
Maria Teresa

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Hello Maria Teresa!
I will be happy to send you these postcards!

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Hello can we swap your nice cards

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Yes, of course!

А-а-а! Восторг!
Жду пост обмена вк :star_struck:

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Здравствуйте. А как записаться к вам на встречу? :heart_eyes_cat:

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Будет в середине февраля <3

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Скину вам ссылочку на вк :wink:

Ищу обмен на первую кису)))


Ой, а можно тоже ссылочку на вк

Hello! How can I join to this meet-up? :herb: