2 December 2023 - December meet-up in Nizhny Novgorod

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: cafe “Cake&Pie” (Nizhny Novgorod, Alekseevskaya, 27A)
:calendar: DATE: 02 December, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

:writing_hand:to sign your New Year and winter cards!
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:to spend a very good time talking and having fun!
:speaking_head:to discuss and plan our Postcrossers’ Club activities for the next year!
:handshake:to hold traditional lotteries!


Members are not required to use a different platform to indicate their interest in joining a meeting.

The Postcrossing Forum is where information needs to be updated and members can indicate interest here.

Many members do not use any social platforms etc.

Postcrossing Team