1st July 2022 The 4th Luoyang Postcrossing Meetup

:world_map: PROVINCE: Henan
:world_map: CITY: Luoyang
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: No.72 Zhongzhou Road
:calendar: DATE: 1st July 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Meeting friends and writing postcards,Please bring stamps and signets.
If you would like to join this meet up,please send me private messages or add my WeChat 609366509,I will reply as soon as possible.Looking forward to your messages.
The 4th Postcrossing Meetup in Luoyang.
Happy Postcrossing!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Unfortunately the white border around the Postcrossing logo is deemed to be an alteration to the logo and so is not approved on all these postcards.

See the User Manual https://static1.postcrossing.com/images/logos/Postcrossing-Logo-Kit.zip?v=20210826 in the current Logo User Kit (page 3) for margins around the logo and other elements etc.

fine,please delete my topic. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Deleting the topic doesn’t stop the issue of the incorrect usage of the Postcrossing logo.

I am guessing the meeting will go ahead anyway with those postcards. Correct me if I am wrong?

The logo usage rules would still be in violation as the meeting would not be listed on the forum and the Postcrossing calendar. There would be no permission to use the Postcrossing logo on those meeting postcards.

Postcrossing Team

Changing and You are wrong!

Changing and You are wrong!
A self righteous fellow :smiling_face_with_tear:


Can you clarify what I am wrong with please?

Postcrossing Team

Can you clarify if this postcard is a replacement for the un-authorised ones or an addition please?

If it is a replacement can Postcrossing have reassurance that the other postcards will not be used in any way without the alteration to the Logo margins?

Can you clarify if this postcard is a replacement for the un-authorised ones or an addition please?

If it is a replacement can Postcrossing have reassurance that the other postcards will not be used in any way without the alteration to the Logo margins?

Can you clarify what I am wrong with please?

Please don’t ignore Postcrossing’s questions about the usage of our Logo.

Postcrossing Team

我没有忽视,只是不想理你 :smiling_face_with_tear:

我没有忽视 只是不想理你 :smiling_face_with_tear:

I will be glad to exchange.))

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I am sorry but those postcards are not available for exchange in their current format.

Postcrossing Team

OK :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello postcrossing- friends! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Ошибка 429

Did the postcards get changed from their original format or were they withdrawn and not used at the meeting?

Postcrossing Team