19 May 2024 Meet up in Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido

:world_map: CITY/REGION: 1-4, Minami 3-jo Higashi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Alpha Souseigawa Park, Room 410
:calendar: DATE: 19 May 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00~16:00
:busts_in_silhouette: QUORUM: Degree of 10(Participation with children is possible.)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Sign writing on postcards, discussion on interests, exchange of stationery items, fun chats, and other exchanges of pleasant ideas…
:yen: PARTICIPATION FEE: 1,200 yen(Original postcard & Meeting fee)

:star: About original postcards
Ten original postcards will be given to each meet-up participant on the spot on the day of the meet-up.If you want more, you can purchase additional 5 cards for 300 yen on site.

I wanted to make the original postcards available to a wider audience, so I considered selling them online for those who had not yet attended the event.

:o:【Japan only】:arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

:o:【International shipping only】:arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

Sapporo Meetup, here is the original postcard design‼️


This is such a cute postcard hope you all have a lot of fun. Congratulations :tada::clap:t3:

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:hibiscus:Ищу обмен


Hi, can i swap?
I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album



Or all cards on google

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I would like to swap your card, anyone need something from Barcelona?

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Hello. Is someone interested in a Swap?

Greetings Alexander

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Hey! I’d be happy to swap :slight_smile:

My postcards: postcard for swap — Яндекс Диск


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I am in Sapporo today and tomorrow. Do you have any left over meet-up cards available?


Would anyone like to swap meetup cards with me? I just had my postcrossing meet up today in Colorado.


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I would like to trade these cards!
Here is my exchanger. Have a nice meeting!Cards – Google Drive

Very cute card! Write to me about the exchange. Please.