19 August 2023 - Bicycle meetup in Kaliningrad oblast

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kaliningrad oblast
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Zelenogradsk town promenade, Roza Vetrov Square
:calendar: DATE: 19.08.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: A bike ride from Zelenogradsk to Pionersky

We prepared two special designed cards. Photo by Oksana Arkhipova

Social network link: Калининградский клуб посткроссеров | VK


Вот бы выменять вторую
Обменник 1 Gallery.ru / tadrala - Альбом "Postcrossing Exchange 1"
Обменник 2 Gallery.ru / tadrala - Альбом "Postcrossing exchange2"

Please give at least 14+ days notice of future meetings.

Giving 3 days notice is not enough time for any prospective member to attend or guarantee that the event will get added to the calendar in time.

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обмен найден, спасибо

my name is Maria Teresa and I write from Italy.
I would love to receive the second postcard; it’s very nice!!!
If someone wants to swap with me I would be very happy!!!
Write me a PM with what you want in return; I have many postcards.
Thank you and greetings
Maria Teresa