19.08.2023 Omsk "Shield of Siberia" (the festival of historical reconstraction)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Omsk, Russia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Lenina 11, “Mesto pro testo”.
:calendar: DATE: 19th of August 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12 p.m. (utc +06:00)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: eat, chat, sign

Hello there! We are gathering to sign up the cards about one of the most wonderful event in our city the Festival of historical reconstruction “Shield of Siberia”. This year the festival was held for the 18th time.
If you’d like to swap, write down the comment below :wink:

Обменный пост в vk :

Мы всегда рады новым людям :slight_smile: точные дату и место напишу ближе к делу. Если хотите прийти, лучше всего связаться со мной: Telegram: Contact @taura14

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Please update the meeting within the next day because it is only 10 days away and we usually ask for 14+ days notice.

Postcrossing Team

Normally we decide about a place in 2-7 days before an event.
Members are discussing now where they want to go this time. I’ll edit it as soon as they deside.

How do prospective attendees know where to meet with such short notice?

Future meetings need to be complete including meeting place and announced 14+ days before the event.

Postcrossing Team