18 September 2022 - Chelyabinsk meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Chelyabinsk
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Y Bistro, Lenin prospekt 71a, Chelyabinsk
:calendar: DATE: 18 September 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Cozy meeting fun and postcards. We are going to have two special fall postcards.


Love the first picture!

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I agree - the first picture is amazing!!

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А кикие -нибудь специальные штемпеля почтовые будете использовать?

Тематических штемпелей ко встрече нет, но можно поставить один из Челябинских

Please give at least 14+ days notice of future meetings.

Giving 3 days notice is not enough time for any prospective member to attend or guarantee that the event will get added to the calendar in time.