18.May 2024 - Meetup in Aarau with a guided city tour

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Aarau / Aargau
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: In front of the tourist information
:calendar: DATE: May 18th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:45 AM CET
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will meet up at the “INFO Aarau” (Metzgergasse 2, 5000 Aarau) where we are going to meet our tour guide for a tour of the town. It will last for approximately 1-1.5 hrs.(this will be sponsered by Tatjana). After that we have a reservation for the restaurant “Krone” (Kronengasse 5, Reservation time 12:45 PM CET) where we will have our lunch, our signing session and a lot of fun :partying_face:

Due to the maximum size of 20 participants for the tour, is the number for the meetup limited to 20.
There will be a waiting list.

This is the proto type postcard of our Meeting. The size of the card will be 10 x 21 cm
and the price will be CHF 0.55 per card.
The card can be ordered from now on till 31.03.24
If you would like the cards before the meeting there will be an additional post fee on top.


  1. TanParm
  2. Tatjana
  3. NI20
  4. Schneggisabrina
  5. Swiss-lady
  6. Christian
  7. Murgtal
  8. Zastia
  9. Maude7
  10. Earlys
  11. Sophia2013
  12. Mayflower
  13. Mariannin
  14. MrsFuchur
  15. Sausi
  16. Trauti
  17. Adrian
  18. Thstreit
  19. Pistenqueen
  20. PasoDoble
  21. Dascia
  22. Stellina96
  23. Nissemor
  24. Schubidei
  25. Tandi

Waiting list:

  1. Tandi’s Sister
  2. ShesElise
  3. Turtlefan

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


I would like to join! :slight_smile:

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I would like to join :blush:

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Please, put me down as a participant.


I would like to join

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@TanParm I am definitely participating, you can delete the “maybe” part. :slight_smile:


I woul like to come on the meeting in Aarau on the 18.5.24.
I am shure it wil be interesting with the guidet tour.
Many greetings
nissemor/Margrit Juvalta

Ich setze dich auf die Warteliste

Ich setze dich auf die Warteliste, die 20 Plätze für die Führung sind schon belegt.

Hi Tanja
I was at Aarau Info today and they told me, I should put myself on the waiting list (o;
Could you please do so? Furthermore, I am not 100% sure I could join (vacation) but if there a chance to come for the first time, I will do my best to join. (o;
Thank you!

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Ich setze dich auf die Warteliste, das Meeting ist aktuell voll belegt!

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Könntest du mich auf Warteliste nehmen? grüessli andrea

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Ich habe dich auf die Warteliste gesetzt!

@NI20 @schneggisabrina @swiss-lady @murgtal @Zastia @Maude7 @Earlys @Sophia2013 @mayflower5 @Mariannin @MrsFuchur @Sausi @Trauti @thstreit @Pistenqueen @PasoDoble
Die Meetingkarte kann ab sofort bis zum 31.03. bestellt werden!

20 Karten fĂĽr mich bitte

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Gerne 30 Karten fĂĽr mich

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Bitte 20 Karten fĂĽr mich, danke!

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30 for me please! Looking forward to meeting you all! Anita

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30 Karten fĂĽr mich, bitte.
Und bravo für die schöne Ansicht von Aarau! Nur schade, dass Meeting drauf steht, so businesslike, Meetup klingt irgendwie privater.

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Hello! Would anybody like to swap this beautiful card with me after the event?
I’ve got a card from the last meeting in Ufa and a card with Alice in Wonderland from the online-meeting of Russian postcrossers
All my offers are here offer – Google Drive