18 June 2023 - “Russian animals” meet-up in Saransk

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saransk, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Anticafe “Horoshee mesto”, pr. Lenina, 50
:calendar: DATE: 18.06.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: The first meeting of postcrossers of the region will take place in Saransk. At the meeting, we will get acquainted and sign postcards, drink tea and play the lottery. After that, let’s go together to the main post office to send postcards and walk around the city :slight_smile:


Поищу обмен: Jelena Ostarkowa | VK

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Привет! Ищу обмен. Обменник Gallery.ru / tadrala - Альбом "Postcrossing обменник" Могу подобрать что-нибудь ещё по вишлисту

Hi! I would like swap this postcard! I can offer this postcard or other italian meetup :slight_smile:

Спасибо за чудесную открытку! Первая моя добыча в этой серии :slight_smile: