18 July 2021 -【11th】 Postcrossing Meetup in Quanzhou China

:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Yuanhe 1916 cultural and Creative Park - maicang coffee
:calendar: DATE: 2021.07.18
:alarm_clock: TIME: 16:30-18:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Meeting some friends, writing postcards
:ocean:【Happy Postcrossing Zayton Go~!】:sailboat:
11th Postcrossing Meetup in Quanzhou China

:red_circle: Linkage of Quanzhou and Macao
【Mazu Temple】:pray:t2:
Mazu belief is one of the important traditional folk beliefs in China’s coastal areas.
Since ancient times, countless Quanzhou people have traveled to Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and spread the Mazu belief culture to all over the world. Mazu, the sea god, has become the emotional contact and spiritual sustenance between compatriots at home and abroad, guarding the people wandering on the sea.



:large_blue_circle: Quanzhou Xiamen Zhengzhou Shenyang four cities linkage
【Zhongshan Road】:cn:
In memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the great pioneer of China’s democratic revolution, many cities in China have successively named the original or newly built or rebuilt important roads Zhongshan Road. Countless Zhongshan roads have experienced that period of suffering and witnessed the rise and revival of new China.

:large_blue_circle: 泉州廈門鄭州瀋陽四城聯動
