18 December 2022 - New Year meet-up in Stavropol

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Stavropol
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: anti-cafe “Kvartira”. Stavropol, st. 50 years VLKSM, d. 8/3
:calendar: DATE: December 18, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:We invite you to join our friendly company in the anti-cafe “Kvartira”. We will sign postcards, give gifts, play board games

A special postcard will be printed for the meeting .
For details, please contact the group in VK, because, subject to change in time. Клуб посткроссеров г. Ставрополя | VK 9


ищу Посткроссинг Гикаты's Fotos – 11 Alben | VK. нашла большое спасибо :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ищу обмен обменник — Яндекс.Диск

Здравствуйте ищу обмен Обменник – Google Drive

Ищу! Обменник – 90 Bilder | VK

обмен найден :green_heart:
на обмен / swap – 255 Bilder | VK - разное
Встречные на обмен – 37 Bilder | VK - встречные
SWAP - Мои авторские открытки на обмен – 38 Bilder | VK - мои авторские

Обмен нашла :slight_smile:

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Добрый день!
Поищу обмен)

ещё ищите?

нашла, спасибо

Hi. Is it possible to receive the Meetup Card or was there no Meetup in Stavropol?

Greetings Alexander

Hello. Attach a link to the exchanger and you will definitely be answered)

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Hello @Nirgen is it possible to swap with you? I like the Meetup Card.

Greetings Alexander