18 December 2021 - Szll meet-up group (december)

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guangdong
:world_map: CITY: Shenzhen
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: No.29 Longling Road, Buji Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Shenzhen Longling High School (Stamps Museum)
:calendar: DATE: 12.18
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2:00p.m.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

  1. Watch’ Stamp History’ and learn about the postmark of Longling Stamp Museum.
  2. Distribute postcards
  3. Share experiences with each other, HAVING FUN!


I love these cards:


Is it possible to swap for them??? :grinning:

Of course! what type of cards do u have?

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Hi! :sparkles:
I really like this card, can I swap it with someone? :relaxed:
My offers: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/kat_ja_swap/

how can I join the meeting!!!

sorry I cannot open ins… But I have my wishlist

Can u just send me one without telling me which card?(please write your ID)

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Are u in Shenzhen?

我在隔壁的东莞:) 想问问还有名额可以加入吗?

May I swap for this card?

I have a few Sponge Bob cards here

Add images


OMG!!!I Love this!

this is my add! Mau I have yours?