18-19.12.2021 Meetup in Vatican

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vatican city, Vatican
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Vat ican post Office, Piazza San Pietro, Braccio Carlo Magno
:calendar: DATE: 18-19.12.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10 am
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will meet outside the post office in St Peter’s Square. After we extract the addresses and buy the stamps we will move to a bar to sign copies of the postcards of the meetup.

Ps: We’ll send with the VA ID, if you don’t know how to get it, write me that I’ll explain.


Hi! Is someone interested in swap? I collect meet-up cards and still don’t have any card from Vatican. Please, please , let us swap. I’m ready to send not one but some cards :slight_smile: Here are my cards for swap: на обмен – 381 Bilder | VK

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I definitely will join the Meetup since I live in Rome :slight_smile:


I’m not sure yet, but i hope to be there! :slight_smile:


I will try to be there and send postcards to those who want one


I would absolutely love to swap for a meetup card from the Vatican!! Please let me know what you like in return and we can work something out! :heart_eyes:

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I hope to come there but how to get Vatican ID?

It’s very simple, you just have to write to the admin that you will be in Rome and you want to send with Vatican ID.

Hello everyome! I really would like to swap for meet up card. My offer Meet up (for swap) | Zonerama.com or any cards from my albums Yuliya | Zonerama.com

Hi from the Philippines. I would like a meet-up card from Vatican City. I had been there once but I was not into Postcrossing yet so I did not send myself a postcard at that time. I have a few meet-up cards from the Philippines that I can send in return. (Or I can send a postcard that matches your preferences.)

I want to swap for a postcard from your meet-up!
I offer for swap:

Hi. I really want a postcard for the meeting of the Vatican, please write to me and we will agree on a swap :sparkling_heart:

I would like to swap a meetup postcard
I shall be attending the meetup in Goa ,India
If you agree please send your address details I shall post you a card on 1st of December from Goa,India
You may send me any meetup postcard from Vatican city

Hi. I want to receive your postcard from the meeting !!! I can send a postcard from our meeting, our meeting will take place on December 19th.

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Hello. Collecting postcards from meetings. I’d love to receive yours.
My exchangers are here:

Hello, I will be glad to swap. I will pick up a postcard in swap for your taste.

I would like to swap a meetup postcard

You may send me any meetup postcard from Vatican city, I will be glad to swap!!.

Буду рада обмену со встречи

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The meetup card


Hello, does anyone of the participants want to exchange one of the official meeting cards? I can offer various postcrossing meetings in Germany, unfortunately most of them without stamps and signatures. Can also send another card, according to the preferences of the respective exchange partner.