18.03.2023 - Kung Fu meet-up in Karaganda

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Karaganda

:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Karaganda, Abdirova, 19-23
cafe “Happiness is”
:date: DATE: 18th of March
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 - 16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN : signing postcards and have a good time

These are paired Kung Fu meetups in Almaty and Karaganda, where you can get one of two postcards :sunny:


Буду рада обмену))

Hello! Wonderful card! :heart_eyes: Can we swap? PM sent

Здравствуйте! Буду рада обмену! Anmelden | VK

Great postcard again, have fun :star_struck:

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Очень хотелось бы таких котиков! :heart_eyes: мой обменник: Группа с открыточками | Открыточки на обмен – 407 Bilder | VK

I would like to swap this one😍

буду рада, если кто-нибудь со мной обменяется

  1. meet-up - 36 Bilder | VK
  2. Speshilova / Paltcer - 67 Bilder | VK
  3. Фандомы, СЗ на обмен – 201 Bilder | VK

Обмен- круглые/зодиаки – 91 Bilder | VK

  1. Общий обменник – 963 Bilder | VK
  2. Harry Potter - 195 Bilder | VK
  3. Rock - Обмен- рок альбом🤟 – 21 Bilder | VK

Nice postcard!May I swap?DM https://www.douban.com/photos/album/1901539232/

Поищу обмен

День добрый. Могу с вами обменяться.

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Good afternoon! I plan to be at this meeting. And if you haven’t agreed on an exchange yet, then I would like to exchange cards with you. Tatyana.

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Hello Tatyana! Thank you very much :smiley: Let me know what do you like in exchange from Italy :+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Mi piacciono le carte fantasy, gli anime, la danza, gli angeli, i disegni ad acquerello

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Hello! I really liked the postcard from your meeting. would you like to exchange for mine?

Thanks :blush: I’ll send you by PM

This card is coool ~ Anyone like to swap our meetup cards from Taiwan ?
or you can check my swap list
Thank you !

Ivy ^^

Мне понравилась в вашей коллекции девушка на слоне , 714 и 154 сова
Мой адрес:
Левина Татьяна
Пр.Абая 107/3 кв 9
Г.Алматы, 050008

Add images

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Здравствуйте! Была бы очень рада обменяться на эту прекрасную открытку)
Мой обменник

Hello. This loooks amazing. Does anyone want to swap cards. I got meet up cards from California meet-ups :blush: