18.02.23 Novokuznetsk REGIONAL MEETING POSTCROSSERS, dedicated to the II winter International Sports Games "Children of Asia 2023" in Kuzbass Meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Novokuznetsk / Kuzbass
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Regional coworking center “Boiling point - Novokuznetsk”
Ordzhonikidze Street, 15
:calendar: DATE: 18.02.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

  • Acquaintance of postcrossers, communication, coffee break;
  • Presentations of postcrosser clubs from different cities and postcard authors;
  • Performance of the volunteer center, video about the beginning of the II Winter International Sports Games “Children of Asia 2023” in Kuzbass;
  • Collective design of special postcards;
  • Communication with foreign delegations of athletes, a brief story about postcrossing. Athletes will have the opportunity to sign a postcard and send it to their relatives in their country;
  • Dinner at the restaurant;
  • Evening tour of the city of