17th March 2024,Postcrossing Meetup in Saint-Etienne-de-Montluc (Loire-Atlantique) - Saint Patrick's day

Waiting on the desing. Happy new year!


I think Florence is still on holiday. She will send the designs when she will be back dont worry. :blush:
Have a nice day :sunny:

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Hello postcrossers !

First of all, I wish you a happy new year 2024 :partying_face:. I wish you all best to you and your loved one’s as well as many postcards :writing_hand: and wonderful meetups :grinning: .

Here are the two postcards that we have edited for the meeting.

And here is the back for the two postcards :

As I just come back home, I will send you a message on sunday for the details of the postcards’ group order. We have already printed them to be sure to which company we would choose and the result is quite nice. Here it is :

We hope that you will like the designs and we can’t wait to see you at the meeting :shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock:

Have a beautiful evening :crescent_moon:


Nice cards

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Hello, I would like to exchange these postcards. I have many Meet Up cards from Hainan, China. If you are willing, you can contact me through email and I can send you pictures to choose from.


Les deux designs sont incroyables :heart_eyes: Bravooo c’est trop beau !

Thank you @Mamiielariie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Merci beaucoup :grinning:

Hello :shamrock: !

I checked today the prices for the group order on the webiste on wich I have ordered the postcards.
The objective is that we have the same quality of postcard and to have preferred prices.

If we make an order of 50 postcards to 99 postcards, the price of the postcard will be around 0.76 €.
If we make an order of 100 postcards to 249, the price of the postcard will be around 0.5 €.
I we make an order of more than 250 postcards, the price of the postcard will be around 0.21 €.

The prices include VAT. You will have to add the shipping costs from my home to your home execept if you want to have them at the meeting.

So if you are interested to be part of this group order, please send me a message :grinning:

Depending of how many of you are interested by this group order, I will give you the exact price.

Please send me a message if you are interested before January 22nd.

The order will be done on the February 4th.

Have a happy sunday ! :grinning:


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Is the maximum 50 piece for each ? Or is more also possible.

And i read there come three desings? Is there one more or not? Just to know. Before i order.

Est-ce qu’il y a possibilité que des personnes qui ne soient pas sur le site puissent s’inscrire ?
Ma tante (grande fana de cartes et peut-être future postcrosseuse ahah) serait éventuellement intéressée pour participer ^^

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@Mamiielariie You can order for more than 50 postcards if you want but we ask for the meeting to bring maximum 50 postcards to sign. We want to have time to talk, to meet and discover eachother :grinning:

@meihura Oui. Tout à fait. Est-ce que tu peux remplir un formulaire en prenant un numéro pour elle (même s’il n’est pas complet) ? Nous serons ravies de faire la connaissance de ta tante :grinning:

And for all of you, if you want to take part of the group order, send me a private message. :grinning:

Have a beautiful night :crescent_moon:

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I will be glad to exchange ))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

Bonjour, chers/chères Postcrossers!
Je serais très intéressée à échanger les deux jolies cartes.
Mes offres :

Bon meetup et merci d’avance.

Swap found

Bonjour à toutes,

Je ne sais pas si j’ai encore le temps de m’inscrire :slight_smile:

  • Participant number:7
  • My beautiful name : Laurie
  • My beautiful nickname : Petit-panda( pourquoi ce nom? car j’aime tellement les pandas et que je tiens aussi bien sur mes pieds qu’eux :slight_smile: )
  • I come from: Proche de Coueron, Loire-Atlantique
  • I speak: Français, un peu anglais (je m’entraine pour m’améliorer, je ne suis pas forte à l’expression et compréhension oral)
  • I can write in: Français, anglais
  • Food allergies, allergic to plants or essential oils: Non
  • I participate in the meal (15-25€) : Oui
  • I come by : Voiture
  • My favorite colors: Violet; rouge bordeaux
  • My favorite animals: Pandas <3
  • Do you accept a picture of you to be published in the press or in social networks ? : Oui
  • Are-you interested in the postcards group order ? : Oui
  • My favorite kind of postcard : Un peu de tout mais j’adore les animaux(surtout les pandas lol); l’espace; les paysages; les aurores boréales
  • To know about me: Je suis timide (je sais ce que tu vas dire @milylcs lol); j’ai un gros manque de confiance en moi, mais j’aime beaucoup parler, apprendre à connaitre les gens. ce meetup et même postcrossing est tout nouveau pour moi (j’y suis que depuis 1-2 mois, donc je découvre encore pas mal de chose grâce à ma jolie marraine :slight_smile: ) Je suis également photographe amateur, je débute, j’ai trouvé en post crossing le moyen d’allier 2 choses: ma passion pour la photographie (j’envoi mes photos) et le fait de m’entraîner à parler anglais.

Trop contente que tu te joignes à nous Laurie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Tu vas voir, ça va te plaire :slightly_smiling_face:

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Je te fais confiance :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Je suis très contente aussi de pouvoir faire ta connaissance à ce meeting :-).


Hello girls,
Can I order 10 cards of each design ?
( I haven’t Seen your messages earlier, that is weird :face_with_monocle:). Thanks Floana for reaching out .
Have a great weekend,