17 September 2022 - MeetUp of 2 cities - Ryazan and Kaluga

:world_map: RUAZAN, Ryazan region
:pushpin: Central city Library named after S.A. Yesenin, 74 Pervomaysky Prospekt., Ryazan, Ryazan region
:calendar: 17.09.2022
:alarm_clock: 12.00 - 16.00
:page_facing_up: The meeting is dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the birth of Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. We will sign postcards, share news and contact friends from Kaluga. In general, have fun :slight_smile:


Ух ты! На первую можно поменяться?
Мой обменник (картинка кликабельна)


img303 | Aina the unicorn | Flickr советская или репринт, если советская то давайте на неё , чистой

К сожалению, это репринт(

Hello, is it possible to swap? :blush:

тогда на эту :slight_smile:

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yes :grin: which one?

На эту можно :slight_smile:

This one! is it ok?I can DM you

Yes, of course I’m waiting

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Hello, very beautiful postcard :heart_eyes:, I want to exchange :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

адрес есть?

Нету вроде бы) жду в личку