17 March 2024 Meet -up "Samovar_soul" - Maslenitsa

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rostov-on-Don
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Lenina street 123/3
:calendar: DATE: 17.03.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15.00-18.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Celebrate Maslenitsa, games, contests, traditions of folk festivals, tea, pancakes and an exhibition of samovars

“Spring will come, and the flowers will bloom themselves.”
This Chinese folk wisdom is about trusting life and your destiny. There is no need to force events, fight and worry, the main thing is to have peace of mind. Live in peace.
Life itself will lead you to the right path and protect you. Who knows if the future will be as good as the present.
By maintaining a positive attitude to life, you can be happy even in the most adverse conditions.
… Spring is a time of plans and assumptions.
The SAMOVAR SOUL wishes you to build your plans and be renewed, as nature is being renewed.

“Where the swallow does not fly, but arrives again by spring”
Swallows can fly far and long, but they always return to us in spring, as well as hope for the best.
… Spring can be unpredictable and changeable, and at the same time beautiful and colorful, but you need to be prepared not only for various weather conditions conditions, but also updates around you.
Spring will show everything, enjoy the spring, the smell of primroses, the scent of spring.

“The bluebird is not great, but also a bird”

When you watch tits, your soul brightens, and you don’t think what a tit means as a symbol.

These birds have many symbolic meanings in various cultures. In some countries, the tit is considered a sign of good luck or even a harbinger of something important. It is also believed that tits have supernatural abilities and can predict the future.

In different cultures, the tit has different symbolic meanings. For example, in Slavic mythology, the tit is considered a bird-the messenger of happiness and goodness. In Japanese culture, the tit is associated with luck and well-being. In Christian symbolism, the tit symbolizes spiritual insight and purity. In the ancient Romans and Greeks, it was believed that the tit had magical properties and was able to predict the future. In Chinese culture, the tit is associated with longevity and well-being.
Thus, in various cultures, the tit is perceived as a symbol of good luck, happiness, longevity and spiritual purity.