17 March 2024 - Maslenitsa Saint Petersburg

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saint Petersburg, Russia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Library of growth and career, loud hall. St. Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 150
:calendar: DATE: 17.03.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00 - 16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: In our country, Great Maslenitsa is celebrated on March 17, which symbolizes the border between winter and spring. At this time, they bake pancakes, walk and sing songs. We will celebrate this holiday with postcards. Let’s gather in a cozy library and sign our beautiful themed postcards.

Дорогие российские посткроссеры, записи на встречу/открытки и обменный пост, будут размещены тут под конец февраля: Уютные посиделки СПб | VK


The look on that cat’s face, love it!


Ищу обмен очень))

Hello, I like this postcard so much. Can I exchange for it. Here is my offer

Hello:) I’ll exchange it for the first postcard😁

Thanks! I will DM you