17 July 2022 - Postcrossing Birthday Picnic San Mateo

I talk a lot but okay, @LiFi has shared a helpful map of the park to make it easier to find our spot, have a look at it. https://www.cityofsanmateo.org/DocumentCenter/View/52435/Central-Map-Full?bidId=

Tomorrow, the temperature in San Mateo will be around 73 degrees F. Please dress accordingly!

Hi! Is the event still going on? We’d love to stop by if it isn’t too late.

Sorry for the late response, most people have left actually…

Aw, bummer. That’s okay, we’ll try to make it to the next one. :relaxed:

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Had a wonderful time today. It was great hanging out with everyone and talking Postcrossing and postcards. Thank you Sonataca for always going above and beyond to organize a great Meet Up. Have a wonderful summer everyone.


Thank you everyone for such lovely meeting! I really regret that my English isn’t so good and I wasn’t able to speak a lot, nevertheless I spent amazing time with you all. @sonataca the meeting was perfectly organised! Thank you!


Thank you to everyone who came yesterday. Truly appreciate it and hope everyone enjoyed…although it was hot! The weather folks miscalculated the temperature by at least 10 degrees lol.

If everyone who attended agree, we can share pictures here (without tagging anyone)!

And I hope to see some of you in 2 weeks at the Fremont meetup. :smiley:


Got my card from this meetup and absolutely love it!!! Hope you all had fun!


For everyone who attended, I have the list of addresses ready to go. If you want to keep in touch with your new friends, do reach out to me! :smile:

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I hope everyone is well! I just received this official card: Postcard PL-1854579

Guess whose stamp I recognized on the back! @tajaaa’s! What a small world :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love meetings so I always do my best to take part in them. As I remember this meeting was online due to pandemic. How great that now real meetings are possible :slightly_smiling_face:

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