17 February 2024 - Heartfelt meet-up in Kirov. Russia

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kirov
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: cafe “Lampa Grina” (Октябрьский проспект, 139)
:calendar: DATE: 14.02.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Sincere communication, beautiful cards and a lot of hearts :heart:


Unfortunately this meeting postcard using the Postcrossing logo does NOT comply with the logo usage rules

One of the rules of usage says: DON’T Put the logo on a red or blue background

See the User Manual Page 2 and 3 in the Logo User Kit for examples of allowed and not allowed colours and other elements etc.

You need to change the position of the logo on this card please.

Deleting the image from the forum does not mean that the postcard is allowed to be used. We would need a reassurance that it is altered or is withdrawn from use in that case.

As a reminder please make sure that the Trademark notice is on the back of the postcards.

Please follow the logo rules.

Postcrossing Team

Good morning!
What is the violation? We specifically compared the background with the sample proposed in the file. Our color is light from the top line. It is allowed by the rules.

The background is at the righthand end of the not allowed colours.

Good morning. The background clearly blends into the right end of the top line, which is allowed. It does not merge with the right end of the forbidden string.

The issue isn’t the blue sleeve.

The issue is the pale red background behind the logo.



Good morning. I’m also talking about the background. It is not prohibited red, but permitted pink.