17 December 2023 - Winter Meet-Up in Lithuania

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vilnius, Lithuania
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Žaliųjų Ežerų street 85
:calendar: DATE: 17 December 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 (GMT +3)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

We are glad to introduce the winter party of „Postcrossing Lietuva“ group. Main idea - warm conversations with cup of favorite hot drink and beloved postcrossing hobby friends!

Please prepare the postcard + tiny gift (up to 5 eur) in advance. During the meet-up party we will exchange the gifts in random order in between ourselves!

Season’s Greetings (Christmas & New Year’s Eve) postcards are on the spotlight!! If you collect or own the most wonderful postcards on this topic, please bring it with you and show for your friends!

Join us at the upcoming meetup where we’re hosting a mini market tailored for postcrossing enthusiasts. Feel free to bring, sell, or swap postcards, stationery (washi, stickers), and other items related to this wonderful hobby! Looking forward to a vibrant exchange of treasures.

Of course on such occasion - Christmas costumes, details of style are more that welcome!!! Dress code - Domino masks.


Hello dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap both wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meet-up and thank you in advance.

Exchange found :heart:

I would like to swap for both :heart_eyes:

My suggestions:

Hello, I would like to exchange this postcard. I have many Meet Up cards from Hainan, China. If you are willing, you can contact me through this email and I can send you pictures to choose from, 1741474654@qq.com

Many greetings from Germany and a happy New Year 2024. I would love to swap for the upper Meetup card. Has anyone a copy left and would like to swap? :slight_smile:

Hi, does anyone have a second card for swap? May be someone wants to swap for the Minsk meetup card

hello from Belarus :hugs: i want to swap for a postcard with a map​:heart:
my offers: SWAP MEETUP'S – 48 Bilder | VK

HELLO, someone would swap with me? i would like the second card if possible!
thank you very much

I’ll look for an exchange for the first postcard