16th Sep 2023,14:00; Weasley is our King 15.0 meet up in Chongqing

:world_map: PROVINCE: Chongqing
:world_map: CITY: Chongqing
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Guanyinqiao Post Office (Guanyinqiao Road No.9, Jiangbei District)
:calendar: DATE: 16th Sep 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
This is the 15th meet-up for Weasley is our King meet-up Group, whose base is Chongqing & Chengdu.We only print postcards from Harry Potter and its derivative series.There are also 7 kinds of postcards for the meet-up on 16th Sep 2023. Just bring your stamps and stationery, Welcome to our activity!!!
:world_map: 联名城市: 重庆市
:pushpin: 联名地点: 观音桥主题邮局(重庆市江北区观音桥步行街9号1-4)
:calendar: 联名日期: 2023年9月16日
:alarm_clock: 联名时间: 14:00
:page_facing_up: 联名计划:
这是@Weasley is our King联名团 的第十五次联名,我们常驻于重庆和成都两地,只联名哈利波特及其衍生系列的明信片。 2023 年9月16日的第十五次聚会依然有7种明信片。只需带上您的邮票、文具和印章,即可参加我们的活动!!!


In order to confirm the printing quantity in advance, friends who participate in this event, please contact me before September 10th to print the quantity. Thank you.

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Sooo beautiful :heart_eyes:

I’d like to swap

My postcards to swap: postcards to swap – Google Drive

Hello, very beautiful postcard, I want an exchange

Postcards can be viewed here
Harry Potter Обмен Гарри Поттер – 80 Bilder | VK
Movies / cartoons / series Обмен:фильмы/мультфильмы/сериалы – 80 Bilder | VK
General exchange Обмен общий – 80 Bilder | VK
Vladivostok and lighthouses Обмен: Владивосток, маяки – 57 Bilder | VK
Meetings Обмен Встречные – 61 Bilder | VK