16 October 2021 - St. Petersburg meeting of potterhead postcrossers: 1-year anniversary, 16 Oct

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Russia, Saint-Petersburg
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 7th Sovetskaya street, 9/20, anti-cafeteria “Good Place”
:calendar: DATE: 16.10.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME:12:00-15:00.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Hey! The Potterterhead Postcrossing Club celebrates it’s 1 year anniversary. Therefore, we’ve prepared two special postcards for the occasion! One of them is a little personal (limited), the second is more autumn-vibed.
:warning: Unfortunatly, we have some restrictions due to the Covid-19 situation, so the max. number of participants is 25 people, and all the seats are occupied to the moment, but if you want to recieve a postcard, please let us know!


дайте 2 :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

If you would like to swap i have Taiwan Harry Potter cards top

I would love to swap with someone

С удовольствием поищу обмен!)

Hi! I would be interested in a swap :slight_smile: I can offer the postcard of the Genoa meet :slight_smile: thank you very much

ОЧень нравятся обе!! буду рада обмену: ОБМЕН – 331 Bilder | VK

Love to swap