16 March 2024 Meet-up Rostov-on-Don "Welcome Spring"

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rostov-on-Don
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 175A Pushkinskaya St…, Rostov-on-Don
:calendar: DATE: 16 March
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00-1500
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Welcome Spring
As part of the “All in the Garden!” Festival, a meeting of postcrossers will be held on March 16, 2024 at the Don State Public Library in Rostov-on-Don. The Winter Garden has been pleasing visitors to the Don State Public Library for many years with its beauty and riot of greenery. Readers willingly choose it as a place where they can spend time reading or working, take atmospheric photos, or just admire the “green” variety. Postcrossers offer to plunge into the world of botany with the festival “All in the garden!”. Bring your collections of postcards, stamps on botanical themes, as well as any needlework, we will hold an exhibition

We are opening a series of postcards “Visiting a fairy tale”
We will start, perhaps, with a very unusual character from our favorite fairy tales.

March 1 in the national calendar is Maremyana Kikimora.

After the Baptism, the gypsy sells a fur coat, and Morozov is waiting for Athanasius the bug-eyed, Fedor the tyrant (Tyron) and Maremyan the Kikimore.

In the national calendar (February 17, old style) - Maremyana kikimora.

No one knows how the holy righteous Mariamna (Maremyana or Mariana) turned into a Maremyana Kikimora in the calendar of the people.

Maybe this is the consonance of the name of Maremyana with Mara. “Mara Svitova” is an evil soul–destroying spirit. Ancient beliefs associated with this day may have overlapped.

On one of the first days of March (1 or 2), Kikimora Day falls. As the housewives heard a thin squeak at night from all corners or a light tapping everywhere.

We open the Pancake week and start baking pancakes.
The first postcard from the SAMOVAR SOUL
invites you to the POST OF MARCH EXCHANGE for a postcard that carries the symbolic words “HOW PANCAKES FLEW INTO THE CEILING DURING PANCAKE WEEK”
Bake pancakes every day, help yourself and treat yourself: your friends, family, children! With butter, with honey, with jam, with condensed milk, with caviar, with cottage cheese, with meat. Any! As your darling wishes!


Хэй! Поменялась бы на кикимору! Я рисую самодельные открытки, а ещё у меня есть парочка на обмен, посмотреть можно в инсте ast_ra_ya

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