16 April 2023 - Cosmonautics Day MeetUp in Tomsk

:world_map: CITY/REGION: TOMSK
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Novo-Sobornaya Square, 2 gastrobistro “NOVA” :milky_way:
:calendar: DATE: 16.04
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We sign postcards with Dezik and Tsygan (“Gypsy”) - dogs who first flew on a rocket. :rocket:

These animals paved the way for subsequent human spaceflight.

July 22, 1951. 4 am. The rocket rose to a height of about 101 km.
On the ground, the dogs were greeted with shouts: “Alive! They bark!”


Space Dog Laika!

I hope your meetup goes well. I love the idea and theme - very very cool!

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Поищу обмен: Jelena Ostarkowa | VK

Any one interested for SWAP with UAE please DM

I really wish there was a way to exchange for this card (I’m from Finland) - it’s fantastic! Have a lovely meetup :two_hearts:

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I would love to exchange for your doggy-meeting postcard!

My offer:

I can swap with you :raised_hand: