16 April 2022 - Meetup in Kaluga dedicated to 25 years of UGRA National Park

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kaluga
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Visit center of Ugra National Park, Lenin st., 124 (Gostiniy Ryady)
:calendar: DATE: 16.04.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We’ll have an excursion around the visit center, watch the film about the National Park UGRA, and naturally will sign the cards.

We have a card specially designed for our meeting in collaboration with the UGRA National Park. The park made a contest of drawings for the event, Postcard for the Anniversary. The card is made on the basis of one of the winning paintings.

Пост для поиска обменов в ВК: 🔥 Пост для поиска обменов 🔥 Уже.. | Посткроссинг | Postcrossing | в Калуге | VK


Обменяюсь :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:-мой обменник Postcrossing_обменник – 117 Bilder | VK

Ищу обмен: Обмен – 320 Bilder | VK

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Hi,I’d love to swap,I could offer our meeting card

If somebody interested in swap,please pm me,thank you.

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