15 October 2023 - Postcrossing Meetup of the Carolinas, Charlotte, North Carolina

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Charlotte, North Carolina
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Camp North End, 300 Camp Road, Charlotte, NC (near the Good Postage store in the Mount section of Camp North End).
:calendar: DATE: Sunday, October 15, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm eastern time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: PLEASE NOTE: This meetup is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15.
We’ll meet near the Good Postage shop at 11:00 am and get started addressing and signing cards at 11:15.

So that we can plan for the number of cards we’ll need, please indicate your plan to attend by emailing NCPCMeetup@gmail.com.

Our card design features BOTH Carolinas, so if you are a SOUTH Carolina Postcrosser, please cross the border and join the fun.


OMG, I am so happy about this !!! Definitely will come!!!

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So excited!

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Count me in! Inviting @Mulberry_Mailbox to join us :love_letter:


Looking forward to the meetup!!

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i’m going to try to make this but i may not know until very close to the date. fingers crossed!

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Seeing some familiar faces from last year‘s NC meetup in Asheboro - this one is even closer. Will be there!

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Count me in! This will be my first Postcrossing meetup! I’m so excited!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I would love to attend, coming from Fayetteville. As a new postcrosser, can someone inform me of what happens at these meetups so I can be prepared and bring the materials needed for this? Thank you in advance

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You’ll need to bring addresses/IDs for sending cards TO. (We are estimating 5 per person.) You’ll need to bring postage to mail them.

Cards will be supplied at the event.

If you have questions, email NCPCMeetup@gmail.com.


I’ll be attending! It’s going to be my very first meetup!

Unfortunately, I won’t be in the area at that time :frowning: i hope you all have fun :slight_smile: