15 July 2023 - Meet-up in Stupino / Falcon, dragon and rainbow pegasus

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Stupino
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: st. Andropova, 61/11 - The Local History Museum of the city of Stupino. At the entrance, everyone is immediately directed to the right hall, not to get lost.
:calendar: DATE: 15 July
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Pleasant communication in a cozy atmosphere with like-minded people. Visiting the local history museum, studying the history of the region and signing postcards.
Admission to the museum is free.

The falcon is the symbol of the city, and the bird can be seen in the local fields and forests in search of prey.

Встречи посткроссеров в Ступино | VK - группа встречи


The rainbow flying horse is beautiful

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Is it for swap?

of course, you all 3 pegasus?
write the address in private messages.