15 January 2023 - 8th meet-up in Wuzhou,CHINA

:world_map: CITY: Wuzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Wuzhou Bingquan soymilk Restaurant
No.6 Bingquanli, Baiyun Road, Wuzhou City
:calendar: DATE: 2023.1.15
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00-17:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: While drinking Bingquan soy milk, while writing postcards.


Hello, I will be glad to exchange for this postcard
Link to the exchanger swap

yes!May i have it?

yes, replied in private messages

Hi! :sparkles:
I really like this postcard, can I swap it with someone? :relaxed:
My offers https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/kat_ja_swap
If you didn’t find anything interesting, then feel free to write me your favorite topics, I will select suitable postcards for you! :heart:

Hello. I really want such beauty in the collection. I want to exchange :green_heart: :green_heart:
my postcards for exchange are here
на обмен / swap – 254 Bilder | VK - rest
Встречные на обмен – 43 Bilder | VK - meetups
SWAP - Мои авторские открытки на обмен – 38 Bilder | VK - my arts

Looking to swap for this card.

My offers For Swap – Google Drive

Please PM

Hello, there will be no exchange? :confused:

It was my mistake. Maybe because I don’t often come to this platform to exchange postcards, could you please send me the address? Just to make up for it, you don’t have to write a postcard back!

I don’t want to look impolite. And it’s not difficult for me to send you a postcard. Please contact me by email nunki.media@gmail.com

If you want this postcard, you can leave the address directly. In addition, for me, something bad happened to my family last month. I didn’t have time to read not only your message, but also the message of others in the forum. It can even be said that I didn’t write a few postcards in the whole month. If you think I am impolite, I am very sorry for not replying to your message for a long time. In addition, you can directly leave the message address, and I will give you proof within a week. Thank you for your understanding

In addition, I sincerely apologize for my behavior. Therefore, to express my apologies, you only need to leave the address, do not write a postcard back to me. There’s no need to get angry about it. It’s my fault. I can make amends by writing this postcard to you.
I’m very sorry again.

Finally, I may change my new address for other reasons, and I can’t receive international letters at the new address for the time being, so you don’t need to send me postcard. I am very sorry for the bad experience and angry feeling brought to you. If you leave the address, I will give you proof within a week.

I am so sorry. And I don’t think you’re rude. And I’m not offended by you either. Everyone can have their own reasons and circumstances. I understand you.

ul. Matrosova, d.10, kv.6
g. Arzamas, Nizhegorodskaya obl.

Thank you for your understanding. I will give you proof within a week.

I will send it tomorrow.

Thank you very much. And I apologize for bothering you.

Hello! I’m really looking for swap^^ My offer in instagram bunny.doesnt.eat.carrots https://instagram.com/bunny.doesnt.eat.carrots?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Sorry, I don’t have this postcard anymore.