14 September 2024 - Postcrossing Meeting vol. 2 - Liberec

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Liberec
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: kavárna Jedno v Paláci, Palác Johanna Liebiega mladšího, U Tiskárny 81, 460 05 Liberec-Kristiánov
:calendar: DATE: September 14, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Hello everyone,

I would like to invite you to a postcrossing meetup in Liberec, which will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at Jedno café from 11:30 AM. We will chat, sign/exchange postcards, and spend a pleasant afternoon together. Please reserve your spot or order meetup postcards by commenting below or in the Facebook event here. The number of places is limited.

Between 10:30 and 10:45, we will meet with those are not from Liberec on Fügnerova Street in the center of Liberec (under the clock), and we can stop by the information center on our way to Palác. At 11:30, we will all meet in Palác. Planned itinerary here.

The meetup postcard designs were created by the painter Pepa Vaníček from Liberec at our request. He made two beautiful versions, as shown below.

The price of one meetup postcard is 8 CZK.
The price consists of: 3 CZK for printing and 5 CZK commission for the artist. Orders will close on August 15 (we will have a few extra copies printed in case someone signs up later). You can order and buy as many postcards as you want.
We will send out ordered postcards at the end of August/beginning of September (either blank or signed at the meetup). Shipping options include registered mail, parcel services, or regular mail without a tracking number (at the recipient’s risk) according to the carrier’s rates. We will arrange shipping individually with each person once the postcards are printed.

OPTION A - Liberec Town Hall, part of UNESCO

OPTION B - view of Liberec with Ještěd

A special meetup stamp will be available too:

If you are not interested in a meetup postcard, you are welcome to bring any other postcard you would like to have signed by the meetup participants. You don’t have to bring any and can just come to chat.

We recommend bringing (optional):

  • a stamp with your postcrossing name, if you have one
  • writing tools for signing postcards
  • stickers/washi tapes or anything to decorate the postcards
  • postcards you would like to exchange for others or give away

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

We look forward to seeing everyone who will make the journey to join us and enjoy a beautiful day.

Wendy, S láskou k papíru.cz


Dobrý den, ahoj,

ráda bych vás pozvala na postcrossing sraz v Liberci, který proběhne v sobotu 14. září 2024 v kavárně Jedno v Paláci od 11:30. Popovídáme si, podepíšeme/vyměníme si pohlednice a strávíme spolu příjemné odpoledne.
Zarezervujte si místo, nebo si objednejte srazové pohlednice, komentářem níže, nebo ve Facebookové události zde. Počet míst je omezen.

Mezi 10:30-10:45 se sejdeme s mimo libereckými na Fügnerově ulici v centru Liberce (pod hodinami), a můžeme se po cestě do Paláce zastavit v infocentru. V 11:30 se sejdeme všichni v Paláci.
Naplánovaná trasa zde.

Návrhy na srazové pohlednice zpracoval liberecký malíř Pepa Vaníček na naší prosbu. Udělal nám dvě krásné varianty viz níže.

Cena 1ks srazové pohlednice je 8 Kč.
Cena se skládá z: 3,- Kč za tisk a 5,- Kč provize autorovi. Objednávky uzavřeme 15. srpna (necháme vytisknout pár kusů rezervních, kdyby se někdo přihlásil později). Můžete si zakoupit libovolný počet pohlednic.
Rozesílat objednané pohlednice budeme koncem srpna/začátkem září (čisté nebo i popsané ze srazu). Posílat budeme: doporučeně, přes balíkové služby, nebo i obyčejně bez trasovacího čísla (na riziko příjemce) dle jednotlivých tarifů dopravce. Dopravu budeme s každým řešit individuálně, až budou pohlednice vytištěné.

VARIANTA A - Liberecká radnice, součástí UNESCO

VARIANTA B - pohled na Liberec s Ještědem

Na místě bude k dispozici srazové razítko:

Pokud nemáte zájem o srazovou pohlednici, můžete si samozřejmě přinést jakoukoli jinou pohlednici, kterou chcete mít podepsanou účastníky srazu. Nemusíte si ale nosit taky žádnou a přijít si jenom popovídat.

Doporučujeme si s sebou vzít (dobrovolné):

  • razítko s vaším postcrossingovým jménem, pokud nějaké máte
  • psací potřeby na podepisování pohlednic
  • samolepky/washi pásky nebo cokoli na ozdobení pohlednic
  • pohlednice, které byste rádi vyměnili za nějaké jiné, nebo které byste rádi podarovali

Pokud máte nějaké dotazy, neváhejte se zeptat.

Těšíme se na všechny, kteří za námi budou vážit cestu a chtějí si užít krásný den.

Wendy, S láskou k papíru.cz


Wow, a meetup stamp!? :flushed: How cool is that!?!?!? :sunglasses:

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A meet up stamp wow :heart_eyes::heart: what a beauty :heart_eyes::heart: I would love to have the postcards too they are amazing :heart_eyes::star_struck: have a great time ya all

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That meet-up stamp is wonderful :grinning: i loved it

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Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meeting and thank you in advance.

Hello! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

Thank you @Robin67 @abujoist @Hemang !:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Wendy_Anne The Czech Republic is GREAT when it comes to rubber stamps (but also postage stamps, for that matter. After long deliberation I voted for your super-beautiful EUROPA 2024 stamp! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:).

When I was in Ostrava some years ago I found sooo many rubber stamps in churches, castles, tourist informations,…, I stamped them all into my travel diary. It was heavenly! :star_struck:


Hello, I would like to attend, and five of the town hall meetup postcards please. I don’t speak any Czech, but I can do a lot with a translation app.

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You can move the logo to the gray bottom :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes perfect, we will move the logo down. Thanks for an idea! Wendy

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Love to swap

Hello :hugs:
I would like to swap!
My offers

@aquariusasha Hi, I would like to swap the MeetUp card with books, the blue one. :heart_eyes:

I will be glad to exchange ))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

Hi, can i swap?
I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album

Or all cards on google


Hi. I would like to receive your postcard. Here is my offer https://postcards.framework.by/ Thank you.