14 September 2024 - Grassington Meetup “All Creatures Great and Small”

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Grassington North Yorkshire
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: The Devonshire Grassington, [27 Main St, Grassington, Skipton BD23 5AD
:calendar: DATE: 14. September 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 01 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: After lunch, sign cards, have a nice chat and spend a good time together.

Hello everyone,

I’m spending my vacation in the Yorkshire Dales in September.
As I am a big fan of “All Creatures Great and Small” I thought it would be great to host a meetup in the pub that features in the TV series, in Grassington.
As food has to be pre-ordered for 8 or more people, I would need to know who would like to attend by early July.
A meetup card will be created by me.

Best regards,

Martin aka papapaff

  1. @papapaff
  2. @papapaffs-wife
  3. @tanzianne +1
  4. @bwong
  5. @moonraker_girl
  6. @mapcardcollector

@chrisbonham11 , @SashaUA17 , @JustJo , @JennyAssis , @anon59326037 , @friedgold91 , @charzevans , @redharry , @tashac , @gailthesnail

Are you maybe interested?

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Aaaaaw, how nice, I literally grew up with “All Creatures Great And Small” (“Der Doktor Und Das Liebe Vieh”). :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

To my amazement, many years ago, I saw Robert Hardy when I visited the Tower of London.

Have a fun meeting! :star_struck:

Thank you for thinking of me, @papapaff . Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend due to other commitments.

So sorry, I’ll be working on this day. Have a great meet-up.

A lovely idea, but unfortunately I won’t be able to get to this one.

Edit - probably can now.

Hi, I’m not able to make it either. Have a fun meet-up!

Thanks for tagging us, but @anon59326037 and I will be camping with scouts.
l hope you enjoy your trip!

Hi @papapaff
I might possibly be able to come to this. I just need to sort out accommodation & check with a friend that she could give me a lift.
I’ve been staying in Harrogate for a week and visited Grassington today - I highly recommend the village and surrounding area. We had a snack at The Stripey Badger, which becomes the local greengrocer in All Creatures Great and Small. There are postcards for sale at many places.

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Hopefully I’m not too late to sign up to attend.

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Hello Fellows,

the table is booked,
Here is the postcard


Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging the wonderful card.
My offers:

Have fun at the meetup and thank you in advance.

I can definitely come. I booked my accommodation yesterday & a friend is giving me a lift. Looking forward to it.

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Can I order 20 cards please.

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have a fabulous time, I sadly cannot make this one, as I will be preparing to travel to Dorset :slight_smile:

Hello Fellows,

I have 30 postcards for each participant. The cards are free for you.

VG Martin

Hi Martin,
falls eine Meetup-Karte übrig bleibt… :wink:
Und da es bis zum Brauerei-Meetup im Dezember noch ne Weile hin ist, würde ich dir auch eine von nächster Woche zusenden, wenn du magst.

Liebe Grüße,