14 July 2024 - 19th Postcrossing Anniversary in 7 cities (Malang)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Malang
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Kantor Pos Besar, Vestibule lantai 1.
jln Merdeka Selatan 5
:calendar: DATE: July 14, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 - finish
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

~ introduction of KPI friends
~ offering KPI-made cards
~ signature of meetup cards
~ Draw with free numbers, prizes : various postcards and various mint stamps (can be sent) :lotus:
~ send official postcrossing pc, each 1-3 pcs on the spot, sent immediately.
~ snack time, chat about postcrossing tips.
Host : Irene Chen, Jesi Palupi


I’ll be joining. :heart_eyes:

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Horeee, ditunggu

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Mba Jesi!!!
Serune mbak… teralu kemendadak en iki. Eruh o ngunu aku pulkam.

Wis terlanjur ono acara tgl semono.
