14 July 2021 - Postcrossing's 16th anniversary

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saint-Petersburg
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Picnic on the Champ de Mars
:calendar: DATE: 14 July
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We are planning to celebrate the birthday of postcrossing and sign postcards

Sorry, but we have some restrictions due to the Covid-19 situation.

The maximum number of participants is 15 people, at the moment, all seats are reserved.

If you want to come to our meeting, please write to the organizer in private messages, if we will have a free place, we will let you know.

Please do not come to our meeting if you are not completely healthy, even if you just have a runny nose!

Please take with mask and antiseptic.

Organizer meet-up vk.com/folgagoods


Beautifull card. I hope you’ll have s great meeting


Hi Olga @Beatitudinem

will it be possible to swap for one of your beautiful meetup postcards? :heart_eyes:

Please write your exchange requests in this topic, and not to me in private messages. The participants of the meeting will read everything and write to you if they are interested in something

I love the beautiful meet-up cards that I can’t resist, Can I have the card, please. In return, I shall send you this card.

thanks and regards

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I would love to swap with someone. I have Harry Potter postcards to offer if someone wants to swap!

At the same time I also have a meetup postcard to swap.

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Добрый день! Буду рада,если кто-нибудь захочет обменяться или,а вдруг!,захочет прислать подписанную открытку с встречи. Я-ярая кошатница) Могу прислать красивые и милые открытки с котиками. Сердечно обнимаю и желаю веселой встречи! Конечно-же,завидую) и радуюсь за вас.

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Hi! I’ve fallen in love with this awesome meetup card, too. <3 Can someone swap it with me please? I have Tausendschön, Mila Marquis, Blue cats, Inge Löök, Pettson & Fundus, Little Mole etc.

Thank you for the lovely postcard from this meetup! :slight_smile: We hope you had a nice time together.