14 August 2021 The 11th meetup and Postcard exhibition in Zhengzhou postcrossing community

:world_map: PROVINCE: Henan province
:world_map: CITY: Zhengzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP & exhibition PLACE: 1/f, zone C, Sesame Street Park Project, 105 Huashan Road, Central Plain district, Henan Province, China (CN:中国河南省郑州市中原区华山路105号芝麻街公园里项目C区1F)
:calendar: DATE: 2021 Aug 14th - 2021 Aug 29th (exhibition time)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00PM (Meetup Time 21/08/14)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: The 11th meeting of the Zhengzhou postcrossing community will be held at 2021 on August 14, with meetup scheduled to start at 2 pm and finish at 6 pm. We stamp our postcards, and then we send them to people all over the world in their own way.

Note:The postcard exhibition is in the same place and meetup

:page_facing_up:Postcard exhibition plan:The exhibition includes a lot of postcards. It can be said that it is divided into many sections. Of course, the meetup above will also be held on the first day as part of the exhibition. Then we will display the postcards we exchanged through postcrossing and other channels. We found a cultural and creative studio. At that time, there was a two-story building. We would use half of this building for exhibition, that is, the first floor.

This exhibition consists of five parts. The first part will show you postcards from all over the world, introduce postcrossing, let you have a better understanding of this project, and introduce how to exchange postcards through postcrossing. The second part is postcrossing’s meetup Postcard exhibition area, which shows postcards designed by postcrossing player groups from all over the world. The third part will show special postcards from all over the world, postmarks with unique stamps, etc. The fourth part is the signatures and letters from politicians, leaders, singers, writers and other celebrities from all over the world. It will also be a very cool part. The fifth part is the display of postcards designed by Zhengzhou postcrossing player community in the past two years. And other works of art. This is part of the whole exhibition.

We cherish this opportunity very much, and we have been preparing for the postcard Exhibition for nearly half a year. So it’s going to be a great exhibition, and it’s going to be very meaningful. I hope that through this exhibition, more people can understand postcrossing, different cultures, feel the temperature of the world and the greatness of words. In my opinion, it would be a great attempt. And there may be TV coverage, and some we media. But anyway, we are looking forward to the success of this exhibition.

We will make a promotional film about the exhibition. We hope you can participate in the recording. If you have any good ideas, or want to participate in the exhibition, or recorded a video. Please email me(jingyuan_s@yeah.net) 。 I’ll clip it into a big video when I get it. Finally, it was shown on the exhibition. Video content, you can talk about why you like postcards. Or anything you want to say about the exhibition. Of course, we also hope the founder of postcrossing to record a video or write a paragraph for us. Thanks again.

From 2019 to now, we have successfully held ten meetups, participated in a lot of cooperation, and even issued stamps on postcrossing with Brazil national post. These are all meaningful experiences. Therefore, as a member of postcrossing, I hope to wish postcrossing better and better through a small exhibition of my own. I hope international cultural exchanges will be more interesting and meaningful.

Shi Jingyuan (organizer)

This is the Chinese version of the postcard campaign, as well as a Chinese version of the interactive page. The English version will be uploaded later.

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This is the first Postcard designed for this exhibition and meetup. This paper mainly introduces a market with a long history in Zhengzhou.