14-09-2024 Groeten uit Haarlem

:world_map: CITY/REGION: NL Haarlem
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: De wereld van Jansje, Grote Houtstraat 45, 2011 SC Haarlem
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, 14th of September 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:15 - around 16:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
(if you are new to attending meetups, please let us know, then we can inform you in advance, so you don’t get overwhelmed and come prepared that day)

Hi fellow Postcrossers,

On Saturday 14-9-2024 we (Ilse/ Jaynillo en Mar127) are organizing a meeting in Haarlem to discover this city in a fun way with a postcard game. It is a 2,5 km walk.
Go out with your mobile phone, a dose of fun and a set of postcards.Use the accompanying map to look for the correct elements on the postcards. Place the postcard so that it fits into the image like a puzzle piece. This way you see Haarlem from a completely different perspective!

Short explanation of the Postcard game:
There is a competition element. You will be divided (by drawing lots) into 4 groups of 3 and we will send you out every 10 minutes a group with a map for the route and a set of postcards and you use your mobile phone to make the photos.
It’s not about who is the fastest, but who takes the best photo. The photos are assessed and scored by Ilse and I and the group with the highest score is the winner.

Gathering between 10.15-10.30 in Coffeebar Westhoff

Coffeebar Westhoff
Kruisweg 22-24
2011 LC Haarlem

Programm (Dutch timetable)
10:15 gathering in coffeebar Westhoff, Haarlem
10:30, 10:40, 10:50, 11:00 Postcard game, start for group 1, 2, 3 and 4
12:45 gathering in lunchroom/ presentshop, De Wereld of Jansje
13:00 lunch
13:45 postcards and booklets and announcement of the winners
Around 16.30 end

A group photo will be taken in/ outside the restaurant, (If you don’t want to be in the picture, no problem).

We will lunch in De wereld van Jansje, Ontdek de Wereld van Jansje | De Wereld van Jansje
The lunch will be paid in advance.
Drinks and other servings can be paid for with a β€˜tikkie’ at the meeting.

created by @Jaynillo
The postcards will be paid in advance, you’ll receive the postcards at the meeting. You can order as much postcards as you want, but we sign only 20 postcards from each.
*(it’s not possible to order meetingcards if you’re not attending the meeting)

WhatsApp and costs
We would like to create a WhatsApp group where we place the meeting card, you can order lunch and we send the β€˜tikkies’ for the costs of the cards and lunch.
After you have registered and we don’t have your number yet, please send a private message to @Jaynillo with your mobile number

Important - We are aware that a meeting requires some consultation at work or at home, but make sure that you can convert your reservation to definitive participation at the latest 31-7-2024
! We are bound by deadlines regarding the payment of the meeting postcards.

There will be room for 14 people

1 Jaynillo - Ilse - 4 kaarten

2 Mar127 - Mar - 15 kaarten

3 Carolien25 - 20 kaarten

4 Blijdatikschrijf - Heleen - 25 kaarten

5 Soundstorm - Ellen - 20 kaarten

6 Leentjebuur - Leni - 10 kaarten

7 VictoriaIris - Mariska en Iris - 10 kaarten

8 Muppet450 - Rachel - 10 kaarten

9 Berry_i - 10 kaarten

10 Nishaa - Nisha 5 kaarten

11 Pareltje21 - Marjan - 10 kaarten

12 Sylsillie - Sylvia - 20 kaarten

13 Healingsteps - Joyce - 30 kaarten

14 Joo5T - Joost - 40 kaarten








:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Ik kom graag (OVB)

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Voor mij graag OVB

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Please count me in!

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Ik wil wel mee, leuk!

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Leuk! Graag ovb voor mij en Iris (@Irisenfleur)

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Please count me in

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Ik kom graag maar even onder voorbehoud

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Hey Ilse en Marj,
Ik kom graag, voorlopig nog wel ondet voorbehoud.
Groetjes Christel

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Mag ik op de lijst? Ovb

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Ik kom graag. Heel even o.v.b. graag.

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Ik kom ook graag :smile:

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Count me in with OVB.

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@Carolien25 , @itsagoldsky , @soundstorm , @Leentjebuur , @VictoriaIris, @muppet450 , @LiveLaughLoveLeafs , @Belske , @pareltje21 , @sylsillie , @HealingSteps , @ItsDunnies
Leuk dat iedereen zich weer vlot heeft ingeschreven.
Jullie staan op de deelnemerslijst voor Groeten uit Haarlem. Er staan nog wel veel OVB op de lijst, dus let erop dat je je definitieve deelname tijdig bevestigd, 31-7-2024 uiterlijk.


Obv mag weg :slightly_smiling_face:


Wat een leuk idee, met die foto’s!
Ik die graag mee :blush: (nou ja, voor nu op de wachtlijst svp :smile:)


Nummertje 1 op de wachtlijst

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Ovb mag weg!


Ovb mag bij ons weg :slight_smile:


ik kom graag op de wachtlijst