13th October 2022 | National Philately Day Meetup - Virugambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Chennai, Tamilnadu,India
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Viscom Classroom, Dept. of Visual Communication, Avichi College of Arts and Science, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 92.
:calendar: DATE: 13.10.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2.00pm - 3.00pm (GMT+5:30)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

  • Meet-up card release
  • Induction to New Postcrossers
  • Lecture on Philately in India.
  • Screening of the The mystery of the “same sky” postcards documentary
  • Postcrossing

Meetup Report

Dr.N.Bhuma, Principal, Avichi College of Arts and Science released the National Philately Day Postcrossing Meetup card along with the dept professors, Ms.Abhinaya G @AbhinayaG and Mr.S.Prakash and Students of 3rd Year Visual Communication Students. Introduction to Postcrossing done by Pavithra S @PavithraS. Pavithra A @pavithra_ayyappan and Saravanan S @saravanan facilitated the documentary screening of Same Sky Postcards and Postcards signing.

A total of 45 students were participated and Nearly 30 New Postcrossers opened their account and started postcrossing.

Ms.Yardhini @siriyardhu gave a presentation on philately in India.

After the meetup Mr.Jagadeeshwaran @anon90314243 alumni of the department guided the juniors to get the PPC on the meetup cards from the Chennai Philately Bureau.

The students has created 6 postcards and sticker designs on the theme “Post for Planet” Soon, the postcards and stickers will be available to swap.

Meetup card


Good Initiative. Congratulations. :heart_eyes:


Best of Luck @PrakashS sir.


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@djctv2020 Thanks much sir


@jagadeeshphila thank you sir


All the very best for the meetup

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Congratulations sir😍

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@anon90314243 Thanks buddy

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Hello, I want an exchange
Postcards can be viewed here
Harry Potter Обмен Гарри Поттер – 152 Bilder | VK
Movies / cartoons / series Обмен:фильмы/мультфильмы/сериалы – 62 Bilder | VK
General exchange Обмен общий – 208 Bilder | VK
Vladivostok and lighthouses Обмен: Владивосток, маяки – 38 Bilder | VK
Meetings Обмен Встречные – 22 Bilder | VK

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@saravanan - Welcome to Postcrossing

I will be glad to exchange)))

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Send ur address. Mine is

Prakash Shankar
Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Visual Communication,
Avichi College of Arts and Science,
130A, Arcot Road, Virugambakkam,
Chennai - 600092. Tamilnadu

Hello Mr. Prakash,

I wasn’t in town this time around for the meetup, but I’d love to receive this special postcard. Can I get one?


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@abhilashlr - Sure

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