13 Nov 23 Finnish Swedish Heritage Day meetup in Korsholm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Korsholm
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Kahvila Rosetti, Koulutie 1, 65610 Mustasaari
:calendar: DATE: 13th November 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 18.15-20.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Let’s write postcards together! :slight_smile:


Miittipäivää siirretty viikolla, kortit eivät ehdi perille vaikka tilattu 2 viikkoa sitten.

Eli uusi päivä miitille 13.11.2023.

Tervetuloa mukaan! :slight_smile:

@Mundoo I had to re-schedule the meetup, meetup postcards have not yet arrived and they won´t be in time for Monday 6th :frowning:

I have changed the date on the calendar. Thank you for letting me know.

Have a great meeting.

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@hogpet , Kajsalotta
@Windmill , Alpo13
And somebody, whose name was blurred during the post, but has a cute mouse logo, so i guess it belongs to the Alpo13/Windmill family.
Dear All,
Just received the postcard, that marimekko sent us from Korsholm, on the Finnish-Swedish Heritage day Meetup. Besides Heidi, I saw your names on the card, so I would like to say big thank you:)
Kiitos! Tack själv!

(the cake looks delicious… is that a version of the Kärleksmums chocolate cake?)

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Thank you for your kind words!
The cake is indeed kärleksmums or mockarutor as we call them in Finland, in Finnish mokkapalat. Delicious and quite easy to make and you can decorate them however you like :smiley:
Sending you best wishes from Korsholm,
Petra / Hogpet

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