13 January 2023 - Rubber Ducky Day meet-up in St.Petersburg

:world_map: CITY/REGION: St.Petersburg
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: “Kofe, pivo, vanna” cafe + ”Tulen’” sauna on Kazanskaya str.
:calendar: DATE: 13 January 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: It’s Rubber Duck Day! We’ll bring our rubber duckies, meet at the cafe to write special postcards together, and then we’ll go to the sauna :slight_smile:
Bring your swimsuits and toiletries, and rubber ducks, if you have them! :slight_smile:

Please write to me at Walerija Kudrjawzewa | VK if you want to attend!


Is there any meetup card? The idea behind this meetup is so funnnn

@Literaryescapades Two of the people who wanted to attend fell ill, and we decided to postpone going to the sauna for this meet-up… We’ll plan something later and print special postcard then. I’ll let you know :wink:


Yes, please do keep us updated!!