πŸ…•πŸ…€πŸ…›πŸ…› 13 april 2024 Meetup at the Fries Scheepvaart Museum Sneek πŸ…•πŸ…€πŸ…›πŸ…›

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Sneek
:round_pushpin: MEETING PLACE: 11:30 Fries Scheepvaart Museum, Kleinzand 16 8601 BH Sneek
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 13 April 2024
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Meetup at the Fries Scheepvaart Museum

Marloes and I think it’s time to organize a meetup again and this time in the beautiful town of Sneek at the Fries Scheepvaart Museum. Before you sign up, read everything carefully!

Before we start the meetup we’ll have a city tour:walking_woman:with a guide who will tell us about Sneek for an hour and a half.

We have booked an authentic room in the museum where is place for 12 people, not more!
So the limit for this meeting is 12 people. For this we have to pay rent, that’s why we pay 6,25 euro per person to use this room (see also price per person).

There is no lunch at the meetup but we do have coffee / tea and oranjekoek at the meeting. You can ofcourse eat during the walking tour or have your lunch before the start.

The tour starts at 11:30 o’clock and the room is booked at 13:00 o’clock. When we’re done with the cards and meetup books we can stroll around in the museum or go to town, whatever we want. Ofcourse the museum shop has some nice postcards.
The museum closes at 17:00 o’clock.

Price per person :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed::
cost for the meetup (rent for the room) €6,25
2 cups coffee/tea with oranjekoek €5,50
1,5 hour city tour €5,50
total: €17,25
Dit is betaald :white_check_mark: door: @SusanneMartijn @frysk-famke @sylsillie @Anne24 @Annerie @mlandman @Jorien @Jildau @Thys @DutchIslandGirl (no city tour) @WilmaT

This is including entrance to the museum (also when you have a museumjaarkaart).
I will ask you to pay this in advance. :no_entry: No money back if you can’t come. If you can’t come you can arrange yourself with the first person from the waiting list that he or she takes over, I’m not in the middle of this.

:sparkles::anchor:πŸ…ΌπŸ…΄πŸ…΄πŸ†ƒπŸ†„πŸ…Ώ πŸ…²πŸ…°πŸ†πŸ…³:sailboat:

0,60 cent per stuk

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

:mailbox:Participants (no maybe’s or ovb please)

  1. @Kushboo Anke :ring_buoy: 20 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  2. @mlandman Marloes :ring_buoy: 30 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  3. @Jildau Jildau :ring_buoy: 10 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  4. @Jorien Jorien :ring_buoy: 5 cards paid :white_check_mark:
  5. @Thys Kristin :ring_buoy: 15 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  6. @Annerie Annerie :ring_buoy: 30 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  7. @sylsillie Sylvia :ring_buoy: 25 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  8. @frysk-famke Ali :ring_buoy: 15 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  9. @SusanneMartijn Susanne :ring_buoy: 30 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  10. @Anne24 Anne :ring_buoy: 21 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  11. @DutchIslandGirl Linda 20 :ring_buoy: cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:
  12. @WilmaT Wilma :ring_buoy: 25 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:

cancelled: @HippieHeart Suzanne :ring_buoy: 15 cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:

:four_leaf_clover:Waitinglist:alarm_clock: max. :five:

  1. @Cleo1 Anja 20 :ring_buoy: cards :anchor: paid :white_check_mark:

Looking forward to it!

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Lijkt me leuk! Ik wil me bij deze inschrijven!



Wil je mij op de lijst zetten?


Ik zou heel graag willen komen.
Groetjes uit BelgiΓ«


Wat leuk, ik ga graag mee naar het Fries Scheepvaart Museum in Sneek!


Graag! Even onder voorbehoud als dat mag.


Onder voorbehoud mag weg. :grinning:

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Hoi, hoi, lijkt me leuk, ik meld me aan, groet, Ali


Ik meld mij heel graag aan voor Sneek , schrijf mij maar in


Leuk. Zet je mij op de lijst?


Please count me in! Zin in :grin: Groetjes
Suzanne :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hekkensluiter :blush: :postbox:

En we zitten vol!

Echt super vlug vol , ik vier mijn verhaardag thuis, en middag gelijk ingeschreven, vanavond nog meer visite

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Klopt! Gefeliciteerd alvast met je verjaardag :birthday: :tada:

Mag ik op de allerlaatste reserveplaats? Want weet nu nog niet of ik komen kan. Dan mogen de anderen, die het wel zeker weten, voor.

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Uhhh, nou zet me dan toch maar op plek 1 van de wachtlijst…

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Done :postbox: :pray:

Oh nieuwe mertingg in Sneek! Mag ik op de reservelijst?

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P.s. Ik ben Ineke 54πŸ˜„

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